S E Rizvi
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Ireland
Title: Sudden and unexplained neonatal death with GAS
Biography: S E Rizvi
Case Report: A 5 day old baby boy who was term, with uneventful delivery and healthy mom was brought to the Emergency
Department at 01:30 am with poor feeding, difficulty in breathing and fever, on examination initially pink in room air, grunting intermittently, sepsis work up done started on Cefotaxime, Gentamicin and B. Penicillin at around 02:30 am clinically deteriorated, with cap refill time >4 sec, HR 160-210, MBP<30, AF full, weak pulse, O2 Saturation 96 with bag+mask ventilation, pupils dilated and non-reactive, baby was fully resuscitated with ET+ventilation, N. Saline bolus×3, Dopamine, Noradrenaline was given, Mannitol was added and transferred to tertiary care ICU, baby was continued on ventilator and
Inotropic support despite ICU care baby's clinical condition deteriorated ventilator support was withdrawn after parental consent and pronounced RIP at 01:15 PM blood culture grew Group A Streptococcus (GAS) within 12 hours.
Conclusion: Even though GBS is more common in neonatal sepsis, GAS also need to be considered in the differentials as it can
be fatal as in our case report, research should be focused on sub typing and treatment strategies.